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Board Vitals from STAT!Ref is a high-quality, effective and powerful review tool that can be used by practicing physicians, medical students and residents to help prepare for the NCLEX RN, NCLEX PN, Surgical Tech Exam and ARRT Radiography Exam. Register using your RCCC email and start prepping! If you have any trouble come to the library or email us, we'd be happy to help
If you are prompted for username and password please enter the information as it is provided on our Digital Electronic Database Access Code Card. If you don't have an access card then please, call the library at (252) 862-1209 and we'll help you get logged on.
Whether you're interested in reading about the history of nursing or browsing a reference book of medical terminology, we've got something for you at the Library! Just search the catalog!
We have access to an interactive Anatomy and Physiology Tool via STAT!Ref's Check it Out!
Do you need help with Research after the Library has closed?
When the library at Roanoke-Chowan is closed, you can chat with a North Carolina Librarian using our Chatstaff feature. Just look for the green chat bubble at the bottom right!